It seems as though I have been procrastinating this post for a while now. Procrastinating with posting in general. Between overthinking and convincing myself that no one even reads these, I’ve managed to put this off for longer than I care to admit. But you see here, the thing is that I am a writer. …
Nothing is perfect because everything can be evolved. What is perfection, if not just a made-up concept that is always out of reach? Right and wrong is so subjective. One person’s perfect is another’s not good enough. Everyone’s views and perceptions of life are different. We all have different beliefs. And there is no one …
I’ve always been more interested in how people do the things they do than the actual things themselves. For example, when reading a fiction book, or a movie all I can say to myself is ‘Wow how did someone come up with this incredible idea?’ How were they able to build this whole world, and …
I always catch myself anticipating, trying to predict what is about to happen, and trying to control an outcome. Whenever I feel like there is something big that is about to happen, my mind focuses in on how I can make whatever is about to happen work better. I go through endless rounds of possible …
For so long I had been wanting to find an outlet where I can share what I learn, where I can express what is within me. I personally love writing, the process of it brings me clarity and joy, so I have always been writing. I started writing simply because it was fun for me …
We will only truly listen to what we are willing and ready to accept. We only accept, believe, and surrender to what we are feeling in a given moment. Our emotional state determines the information we will accept. If you want to think differently, first you have to consciously begin to feel differently. Then you …
We are who we are used to being. Throughout our lives, we begin to form an identity of ourselves. Someone we think we are. Someone we become comfortable being. Discomfort arises when your personality is being tested. When there is something that could threaten it. Something unknown. We all have a built-in survival mechanism that …
What is purpose, and why are people desperately looking for it? This pressure of figuring out what you came here to do and making sure you do it. There is one purpose in life, one that we all share. And that is to simply live. Doing what feels true to you, finding what makes you …
The energy that you bring to something, the energy you put into it, will determine what you receive. What if you believed you were unlimited? What if that belief led you to start acting unlimited? And you put this limitlessness into everything you do. Don’t you think that if we acted from a greater level …
What holds you back? What is getting in the way between you and your dreams? Nothing limits us, only we do. With ideas and thoughts of how we should act. Thinking of the worst case scenario. Thinking that we are not enough. “All limitations are self imposed.” If we believe that thoughts are things then …