What holds you back? What is getting in the way between you and your dreams? Nothing limits us, only we do. With ideas and thoughts of how we should act. Thinking of the worst case scenario. Thinking that we are not enough. “All limitations are self imposed.”
If we believe that thoughts are things then why should we entertain thoughts that go against what we want to create. It’s normal, we fall into a negative way of thinking because we think it’ll somehow protect us just in case the worst happens we don’t get our hopes up. Crafting up the worst case scenario makes us feel safe. It’s natural for us to think like this. But we have to be supernatural. We have to do the uncommon. If you want some different result you have to be willing to do something you’ve never done. That means choosing to not even think of what’s the worst that can happen.
Feeding your dreams with only your best thoughts. Like plants, our dreams and goals need to be cared for. How do we care for them? Through our thoughts. Feed your dream good thoughts and its flowers will blossom beautifully. Feed it negative thoughts and emotions and it won’t even grow.
You must intend for your dreams to grow, you must intend to reach your goals. And you must walk as if those goals have already been achieved, you attract them to you.
We are used to seeing everything as separate from ourselves and thinking that we have to go somewhere to get something, we have to force in order to achieve our dreams. But in reality we are the creators of our lives and it is about what we cultivate within ourselves that will reflect into our world.
You are constantly creating your life. Move as it. What you are doing is creating your future, what you are thinking and feeling is creating your future. What you have thought and felt and done has brought you to where you are. What you are thinking and feeling now will determine where you will go, the one difference between some things is how quickly they show up in your life. How connected and resonant you are to them will determine when they show up in this reality. But they exist and they are coming and holding a vision and a purpose (your goal) in mind and carrying it with you, as you, is what will bring that outcome to you.
Let your heart speak.
Whenever we are trying to create something, we stop ourselves before we even begin. The hardest step is the first. The first step is belief. Believing in ourselves. Believing in possibility, believing in the unknown. We trust what we know and what we have experienced because that is the known, we know we can do it. But when we are dreaming big, when we are creating a new vision for our lives, inspired by a future. It is easy to see all that you want to achieve as impossible, so you start to doubt your capabilities. You don’t believe in yourself. It feels so big, so unknown to who you are, that you start to believe you cannot do it. To some degree you are correct. You cannot achieve it as who you have been. You must step into your future, step into a new personality, a new way of being, in order to step into a new life.
If you want different results you must do something different.
A dream, goal, and vision so big that it challenges who you have been. It challenges you to become someone else. You must grow yourself, you must become the future you want to create. That is the state of consciousness that will create the reality you envision.
The brain does not know the difference between what it sees in your mind and what it experiences in this reality. You know when you start thinking about a stressful experience and then you begin to experience it now, even when it is not currently happening. Your body actually begins to act like the experience is happening to it. It begins to release stress hormones, that signal your adrenal glands and your body is now ready to act because it senses a threat in the environment. We don’t realize, but living in stress, worrying about everything is actually causing something to happen in our body. It is sending the signal to your body, for it to take all of the energy that your body uses to repair itself and put it into action, because there is something outside that is threatening you. Your body does not know if this is true or not, it only knows to react to the signals being sent to it by your brain.
If this is true for stress. Then this is also true for love and your future vision. If you close your eyes, disconnecting yourself from your environment and you begin to imagine your future and rehearse how you are going to be and what you are going to do. If you make that reality more real than the one that exists outside of you, then your body will begin to respond to that signal instead. It will begin to show proof of that future right here and now. If your body is showing signs of a future that has yet to happen, then the question arises, why wouldn’t you believe that it is already happening?
We are so used to needing proof in our lives in order for us to believe in something. But in this case, you must be the proof in your life. You changing and believing in your future more than you believe in your past, your limitations, and your environment, will be what creates your life. You have to be able to believe in something that exists beyond your senses. Your thoughts are a signal. They are creating the world you see.
You don’t have to believe what I am saying, I just want you to give it a chance. If any part of you feels like this could be true then lean into that, try it out in your life. Believe and feel something so much within that it eventually comes into your life. And if you do, just know that you created that. The evidence you need is in your life, you just have to be willing to look deeper.
Change is not easy, it is something we want but also resist. At first when we think of a new way of living, and we begin to fantasize our future we can feel excited over it. But when you begin to embody a new way of being, you will feel the resistance in the form of discomfort. When you begin to walk into a new path, your body will resist, because you are going against hardwired programs, habits, that you have installed in yourself. So yes, in the beginning it will feel weird, it will feel like something is off. And that something is the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that you no longer want in your life. The old personality. Being able to stay with that discomfort and trust that you are changing even though it feels weird is stepping into that change. It may not feel good at first, and being uncompromising to your future is what will get you through.
But no one can do it for you. No amount of advice or information you receive from your environment will cause you to change, change starts with a decision, and you are the one that has to decide. You are deciding to believe in a future that you are going to create. Your change and your growth is up to you.
It’s just also very important to realize that you are already enough. That is not to say you shouldn’t strive for growth and work towards a better version of yourself. It just means to not base our worth over how well we change. Or to compare our life to this perfect life we each envision. Knowing how to compare is very important. When we compare ourselves to what we see as the perfect version of ourselves, we will fall short, and we will beat ourselves up over that. The goal is not to reach the outcome immediately. The goal is to be better than yesterday, to take steps in the right direction every moment. To go to sleep evolved, compared to the person who woke up. Even if it is just a simple thing.
Change is a journey. Be willing to believe that there is a better version of you out there, waiting for you to call it to you. Be willing to start. To take the step, today and everyday, no matter how small. The consistent input of small changes will amount to a huge change when you look back. All it takes is for you to believe in yourself, in your potential, and in your ability to create it.
Until next time friend,
Camila Tracanelli