The energy that you bring to something, the energy you put into it, will determine what you receive.
What if you believed you were unlimited? What if that belief led you to start acting unlimited? And you put this limitlessness into everything you do. Don’t you think that if we acted from a greater level of consciousness and understanding we would achieve greater results.
We all have dreams and goals that we want to accomplish but often we feel like we are not enough to achieve them, just because our present personality is unsure of how to achieve them. So our doubt begins to creep in, convincing us that we are not good enough or capable enough to accomplish our goals.
Einstein said “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Applying his words into this context, we could say that doing the things you usually do will not get you to where you want to be. If the state that we are in created our reality, and is creating our reality, then we would have to do something new, get into a new state, in order to produce a new result. Doubt, fear, worry, and unworthiness are not going to get you to your goals. That state of consciousness does not align with the outcome you desire.
Worry, in turn, creates more worry. But if this is true, then the opposite must be true as well. Believing in the best possible outcome will create the best possible outcome. Choosing to see love and success, will create love and success.
Goals are all about who you become.
We are fooled into believing that setting goals is only about reaching them. In reality, I believe what matters even more is who you become in the process. Who you overcome in the process, and who you choose to be from then on.
Our goals are calling for the best version of ourselves to emerge. When setting goals we should not be thinking about what the outcome is going to bring you. Rather who you are going to become in the process, who you must become. If that is someone you want to be, then work towards that person, and that goal everyday. Little by little, doing things that your future self, the person who has already accomplished the goal, would do.
So when setting goals, you have to think about who you want to become. And then begin to think about what that person has accomplished and what that person can accomplish.
Become your goals. Embody them everyday in every way. Live that future you now.
Redefine your limits. Choose to be unlimited.
At the end of the day,
We are the only ones holding ourselves back.
We can only accomplish what we believe we can accomplish. And don’t get discouraged if some days it feels like you are failing. It simply means you’re not there yet. There is some part of you that you have to evolve in order to move on to the next level. There is a part of you waiting to be transformed. Transmuted into the new self.
Transform your life by transforming yourself. All the change you have to do is within.
Until next time friend,
Camila Tracanelli