What is purpose, and why are people desperately looking for it?
This pressure of figuring out what you came here to do and making sure you do it.
There is one purpose in life, one that we all share. And that is to simply live. Doing what feels true to you, finding what makes you light up. To truly get to know yourself and understand what drives you, what moves you and what wants to move through you. What is trying to come through you. If everything happens for a reason, then I believe you are here for a reason.
All you have to do is get to know yourself, truly know yourself. Not the version of you you play when others are around. But you. Who are you when you listen to your heart?
When we learn to do this, then we are able to express what we have to offer this world. You didn’t come here to please anyone, or to be a copy of someone. You came here to learn and to grow yourself, to be the unique version of yourself. Don’t rob the world of that simply because of the opinions of others.
Life is about evolving and growing, and with that our interests and desires change. They evolve with us. So just because you felt passionate about something when you were 10 doesn’t mean you still have to be doing it in your 20s (unless of course you are still passionate about it). What I am trying to say is that it’s ok to grow out of things. It’s ok to change your mind.
Try things without the pressure of thinking you have to stick to one thing for the rest of your life. Express yourself in different ways. Try on new hobbies, beliefs, and ways of being, the same way actors do when playing a role. There is no need to stick to an identity just because you are used to it.
We are unlimited. Infinite.
find what feels true to you.
Sometimes I may feel nostalgic towards things I used to do. The feeling confused me because it leads me to believe that I want those things back, those experiences back. But the more I think about it, I don’t. It just simply wouldn’t make sense with who I am now.
Nostalgia is a funny thing. Its definition being “a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.”
A wistful affection for the past.
Just because you loved your past doesn’t mean you have to keep living in it.
You can honor your past, just don’t do it by wishing it was still here.
I find that when I am trying to recreate something, some feeling that I had in my life (which I’m sure I remember much better than the actual experience) doesn’t feel true to me now. It’s almost as if my past self is attached to the memory. Like it was once me, but it is not me now.
We can choose to see this one of two ways.
As growth, and feel grateful for that experience and how far you have come. Or as something you miss, and then we start to diminish our experience of this present moment (which is the only experience of time that exists) for some past memory.
We should always honor the past for all of the lessons that have come with it. But longing for the past is denying ourselves the ability to create new memories worth remembering. The past was once the present. And this moment will one day become the past. We can only experience everything right now.
Trying to recreate something in your life is never going to work, it just can’t. Even if you don’t feel different, you most certainly are not the same person you once were. This world is one of constant movement. Constantly evolving. There is no repeat moment in this infinite universe (no matter how strong your deja vu may feel). There are infinite possibilities, and you are infinitely unfolding in this time and space.
Understanding that you are creating your life everyday, every moment. Understanding that today could be one of those days you’ll reminisce about in a couple of years. Will lead to us being present in this moment. Living this moment and experiencing all that it has to offer. So that when you remember today you remember the feeling of truly living, truly experiencing everything to the fullest. You no longer look at your past and wish something was different, or long for it. But you look at your past and remember that you truly lived present in that moment.
In the words of Harv Eker “Nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it.”
By understanding that you give this moment meaning. That there is no repeat moment in this world. You only have now. Then you give meaning to presence. Understanding that being present is one of the most important things you’ll do in life if you truly want to experience the beauty of now.
The beauty of possibility.
Be driven by this moment, by possibility, instead of your past.
Until next time friend,
Camila Tracanelli